Monday, September 15, 2014

The Cor Project (This post contains a link to audio messages)

The Cor Project is an online project ( that is being headed by author and teacher Christopher West, for the purpose of popularizing the riches that are to be found in Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, which was a series of addresses given by the Pope from 1979-1984.  

Here's a short mission statement from the Cor Project website explaining the essence that it contains:
"Founded by Christopher West and inspired by John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, The Cor Project aims to reframe questions of human existence in such a way that the divine plan for man and woman can be perceived and embraced in all its beauty and splendor. This is a project of the heart (“cor” is Latin for heart), attracting men and women who are yearning for more than what our culture’s approach to happiness and fulfillment has to offer."
This powerful statement found on the Cor Project summarizes the Theology of the Body teaching:
"the Theology of the Body offers an in-depth biblical exploration of the meaning of our creation as male and female in the divine image that not only paves the way for lasting renewal of marriage and family life, but, as one of the most captivating articulations of Christian anthropology ever developed, enables everyone to rediscover “the meaning of the whole of existence, the meaning of life” (TOB 46:6)."
With that introduction, you can listen to a series of messages (4 in the series) given by West in 2012, at Truro Church in Fairfax, VA.  The title of the series is "Our Bodies proclaim the Gospel."  It is very good material and West is addressing a Christian audience of difference traditional backgrounds, Catholics and non-Catholics. Enjoy

Link to Audio Messages

Friday, August 22, 2014

Irreplaceable the Movie

There is a new movie coming out soon that seeks to show the value of family and ultimately seeks to point us to God's design for the family.

Here's the link to the film website:

And here is what a few people have had to say about it:

“Focus on the Family’s new documentary, Irreplaceable, is an important film. It explains why God’s design for the family works, and why society suffers when we deviate from that design. I believe that as we embrace God’s beautiful plan for the family, His blessings will flow.”

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, NHCLC, Hispanic Evangelical Association

“"Very powerful! Should be mandatory viewing for America ... the world!"”

author & former Compassion President & CEO Wess Stafford

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chuck Colson speaks about the Imago Dei

"I want to start the new year by looking at the most radical proposition, that lies at the heart of the Christian worldview...a proposition so radical, so profound that it literally changed the world.  It is simply this: the REVEALED TRUTH that man is created in the image of God, that man bears the Imago Dei..."
-short quote from video

This is a great three and a half minute video from Chuck Colson. The key topics in the video are: human rights and human dignity (in the context of U.S. history, referencing the Declaration of Independence), and last but certainly not least, mankind bearing the image of God.

If the video isn't working for you try this youtube link

Monday, February 3, 2014

Video presenting the Whole Gospel by Tim Keel

It is probable that you have seen a church in some city or town that contains in its name "Full Gospel."  The idea behind that would be that the popular way of presenting of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is missing something.  "Their gospel is missing something in its presentation...."

One of the most common ways of presenting the gospel would be that people are sinners and need a Savior.  Romans 6:23 is a popular verse for that method.  

So Tim Keel, in this video deals with understanding Jesus Christ in the light of all the narratives in the bible, the Whole Story.  He points out that the priestly narrative, the one we are most familiar with where we need a sacrifice for our sins, is the one Jesus talked about the least.

Keel spends a good amount of time in his presentation talking about Jesus in the light of the creation narrative, the beginning, where man was created in the image of God; Keel shows the importance of understanding Jesus in His relationship with creation, or the beginning.  

The Whole Gospel Group Bible Study with Tim Keel - Q Group Studies

Here's the Youtube link if the video doesn't work

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who Is This Man: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus

The impact of Jesus Christ on human history is immeasurable, it is astounding.  This video is an interview with Pastor John Ortberg, who pastors a church in California, concerning a book that he published in 2012 with the same title as the title of this post.  I don't want to say too much regarding this video without interaction from other people, but wow.

Just to give a small overview of some of the content of this video, I will share a little.   Ortberg deals with a number of current worldviews or perspectives regarding humanity: women, children, social relationships and attitudes that we now find embedded in our personalities, and we might think that it is natural, but in the context of all of human history, it isn't, and he traces these perspectives back to the origin of their impact: the  mind Jesus, and His thoughts regarding man, social relationship, etc.  A lot of the existing view mankind, as far as ALL of mankind possessing a very special worth and being worthy of being treated with dignity, comes from the impact that Jesus made on this earth (in terms of his human life,which we have recorded in the bible). That's all I am going to say.  Jesus Christ is the Son of Man!

A (Power)ful video from Andy Crouch

There is some great content in this video.  Andy Crouch (chief editor of Christianity Today) opens by speaking of the missing chapters that most Christians don't have in their bibles (Genesis 1 and 2, and Revelation 21 and 22).  Not literally missing of course, but in the sense that the first and last two chapters don't have a meaningful impact in their lives, relationship with God, or their worldview. It seems that for many, the bible starts in Genesis 3 (The Fall), and ends in Revelation 20 (The Lake of Fire).  

Crouch proceeds to touch on the verbal mood (Jussive mood) that can be seen in the language of God as He created the world, and surprisingly it wasn't the imperative mood (aka commands).  It is translated in English as "Let there be..." It offers a very rich meditation.

The event and effects of the Fall of man are dealt with also, mainly from the perspective of the perversion and corruption of power and creativity in humanity as Image bearers of God, which leads to idolatry and injustice (idolatry being the denial of the image of God in ourselves, and injustice relates to denying God's image in others).  That is powerful.  I don't want to give too much information, but "Let there be" the fulfillment of all the intention of our Creator for us. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

True Power

 Power. What is it?  Many people throughout history have tried to answer that question, and according to each one's concept it has been the Force that puts things into motion in peoples lives.  For certain people throughout history, power was an end in itself, and to obtain as much as possible was their life goal.  If you search Wikipedia for power (it'll have in brackets 'social and political' for distinction), it in short defines power as "the ability to influence the behavior of people."  Abraham Lincoln would not stray too far from that definition but has said,

  "Nearly all men and women can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." 

Gandhi, A man who certainly dealt with the abuse of power in his society also followed that definition by setting "power to love" being versus "love of power."

 "The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace." 

And if you search for other power quotes, countless other people will more or less stick to the above definition of power.  

A recent discovery of an in-built capacity and need for power within man has change my concept of it.  With this new and I would say true and proper understanding of power, most of the quotes would have to undergo revision.  

This discovery comes from an interview with the executive editor of Christianity Today, and author of several books, Andy Crouch.  The main theme the interviewer was discussing with Crouch was the concept of power, which permeates a recent book of his titled Playing God. 

When asked, "If power is a gift, how are Christians meant to steward that gift?" 
Crouch responded

"The purpose of power is flourishing.  Flourishing is fullness of being - being everything that we are created to be.  And the biblical witness seems to be that human beings are given a special kind of power - "image-bearing" power - that is meant for the flourishing of the world.

What an understanding!  That makes me love power.  I want all the power I can get so that I can express and glorify my Creator, Who is said to be Love, by the way (1 John 4:8).   

Check out the rest of that interview, it's got some gold in it:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Community Relationships in the light of Genesis 1:26-27

The Reformed Church of America (RCA) has a wonderful article on their website dealing with what should be the central point for a ministry, to make a real impact in communities.  This article deals with building meaningful reltationships with those in our community, and really touches a key matter as it points out what should be the basis of building relationships in our community.  Of course, the basis is that our neighbors, and all those around us are created in the image of God.  That is such a great need, to relate to those around us in that understanding.  May our Father help us to see those around us with His eyes...
There is actually a number of different articles with that theme on the website that appear to good, so that might be some more posts from RCA in the near future...


Sunday, December 29, 2013

T-Shirt idea

Here is a representation of this blog in T-Shirt format...just to give you an idea of what you might find here  

It is just an idea...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

An Awesome Message from Pope Francis

Recently stumbled across a December 8th, 2013 message that the Vatican released for the upcoming 2014 World Day of Peace.  
The content is awesome, and truly contains the message of how world peace happened and how it is now available to all of humanity.
Normally I don't pay much attention to what goes on in the Catholic Church, for whatever reason (probably because I'm not Catholic), but this message transcends merely being a message of Catholic interest. I would recommend it to anyone as an amazing presentation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, as it relates to the recreation of Humanity in Himself, which Humanity is perfectly according to the mind and heart of God the Father.   Especially consider the first 3 sections (out of 10) of this article, and would be good to hear from others on their reactions to it.  There is such an embodiment of much of what it seems the Lord has been teaching us summarized in the first parts of this article.
-Blog Administrator

Here's the Link to the article:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Woman's appreciation of being made in God's image

Here's a good post on a blog concerning a woman's personal appreciation of being made in the image of God.

Dancin' On Rainbows: So, I am God's Image Bearer: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (NIV) What a powerf...

Reflection on Duck Dynasty Controversy

I personally didn't have much knowledge of the Duck Dynasty TV show that airs on A&E before the "controversy."  I thought it was some kind of Christian themed showed, and had no idea that it belonged to the realm of "secular" media, because I had looked at a christian bookstore catalog and noticed quite a bit of merchandise related to the show.  Then at work maybe a week ago I saw a debate on CNN over the controversy (The remarks that Phil Robertson, one of the main people on the show, made concerning homosexual behavior as being the essence of sin).

Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty

Robertson in a interview with a person from GQ Magazine made the following statement,

when asked, What, in your mind, is sinful?

Robertson replied,

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Without getting into the large debate that this comment has sparked, I have read the original article that the person (Drew Magary from GQ magazine) who made the interview with Robertson wrote, and it is pretty cunningly crafted piece of work.  

The original article can be found here: GQ interview with Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson

The article is written as a narrative of the interview with quotes here and there, it is dangerous, and it is hard to imagine that people have even given any weight to it.  But they  have, and in the light of the controversy and the theme of this blog, it seems proper to handle this situation with the view of man's identity as created in the image of God. 

So without giving an opinion on the "controversy,"  how would this situation be handled in the light of the following Scriptures?

Genesis 1: 27-28
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Romans 1: 23-25
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

(Of course this passage in Romans 1 doesn't only apply to people who label themselves as homosexuals, but to all men).

Here is another article published on the website American Thinker, in which a man does give an opinion on this controversy in the context of raising his children, and also in the context of man as made in God's image.

Quote from that article (regarding principles that guide he and his wife as their raise their children):
"Yes, that means that among other things, they are learning that, along with adultery, fornication, and bestiality, homosexual behavior is sin. They are also learning that they are created in the image and likeness of God, and that all human life, from the moment of conception, is especially precious. And they are learning that in the world today, both abortion and homosexuality are uniquely heinous."