Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who Is This Man: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus

The impact of Jesus Christ on human history is immeasurable, it is astounding.  This video is an interview with Pastor John Ortberg, who pastors a church in California, concerning a book that he published in 2012 with the same title as the title of this post.  I don't want to say too much regarding this video without interaction from other people, but wow.

Just to give a small overview of some of the content of this video, I will share a little.   Ortberg deals with a number of current worldviews or perspectives regarding humanity: women, children, social relationships and attitudes that we now find embedded in our personalities, and we might think that it is natural, but in the context of all of human history, it isn't, and he traces these perspectives back to the origin of their impact: the  mind Jesus, and His thoughts regarding man, social relationship, etc.  A lot of the existing view mankind, as far as ALL of mankind possessing a very special worth and being worthy of being treated with dignity, comes from the impact that Jesus made on this earth (in terms of his human life,which we have recorded in the bible). That's all I am going to say.  Jesus Christ is the Son of Man!

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